Monday, May 2, 2011

Federal C.I.O. Agrees with Obama's "Broken I.T. Comments."

While conducting research on I stumbled upon a website titled “Government” There I discovered an interesting article on remarks made by President Obama relating to government I.T. While criticizing the telephones in the Oval Office, the President quoted “Always thought that I would have cool phones and stuff.” Unknowing of being recorded on an open microphone the President further asked “Where are the fancy buttons and big screens? The White House is 30 years behind when it comes to I.T.” Vivek Kundra, the Federal C.I.O. agreed with, and backed the President’s beliefs. Kundra thinks that the White House should concentrate on I.T. purchasing. Kundra stated that the government’s I.T. infrastructure is “broken.” He further acknowledged that it “took a while to destroy it and so will take a while to remedy.” I.T. complaints go as far back as the Bush presidency. He gripped about communication equipment between Air Force One and the White House during the 9-11 attacks.

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