Monday, April 25, 2011

Court Asked to Balance Information Age Advances with Constitutional Advances

There was an interesting article in the Washington Post yesterday entitled: “Court Asked to Balance Information Age Advances with Constitutional Advances. The Obama administration is working diligently to sway the Supreme Court. They are pushing for law enforcement to be able use wireless technology against criminals. Last year the U.S Court of appeals (for the District of Columbia) ruled that warrants must be issued. Law enforcement could not use GPS as evidence for a criminal’s whereabouts without one. The argument is based on the case of Antoine Jones. Police built their case around him (that was later dropped) by utilizing his GPS as evidence. With the GPS Jones was sighted going to his stash house containing cocaine and 850,000 dollars in cash. The argument was related to a law passed in 1983. The law gave officials the right place a beeper with tracking devices in chemicals headed to cocaine factories.

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