Monday, February 14, 2011

With IBM's Watson on 'Jeopardy,' How Trivial is Trivia?

An article in Sunday’s Washington Post entitled “With IBM’s Watson on ‘Jeopardy,’ How Trivial is Trivia?” was based on super computer named Watson. Watson is supposedly taking Alex Trebek’s place as the shows. Trebek stated that “the machine would require infinite patience, great wisdom, a sense of humor, which is hard to build in a computer, and tenderness dealing with contestants. As a test run “Watson” will compete against two of Jeopardy’s tournament of champion’s contestants. What was fascinating about the article was the question of “will Watson or technology in general take more away from humanity?” Ken Jennings stated that “cell phones have made it possible for people to no longer remember phone numbers.” Researching at the library has become obsolete. Sure technology does make the world of business more reliable and efficient, but will there be a time when accessibility takes the place human retention?

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