Monday, March 28, 2011

Rumor: Official Google Tablet in the Works, but why?!?

Time magazine had an article entitled “Rumor: Official Google Tablet in the Works, but why?!?” Written by Jared Newman the article was devoted to critiquing a possible Google tablet. Produced by L.G. the tablet will be named the Nexus Tablet. The tablet would be Google’s competition to Apple’s iPhone, and Motorola’s Zoom. Like the Zoom, the Nexus tablet would operate of course off of Google’s Droid operating system. Unlike the iPhone, the article pointed out how the droid O.S. comes with preinstalled applications that are impossible to erase. In closing the author states that the possible Nexus would be a benchmark. It would create a standard that all other tablets operating from the Droid operating system be forced to replicate.

Monday, March 14, 2011


This week I found an interesting site on the District of Columbia’s Office of the Chief Technology Officer’s (OCTO) website. (Track DC) is a link that anyone with an internet access can pull up on a laptop or PDA. The site is designed to present to the public (D.C. residents in specific) how your city government is working for you. On a person can check any one of the District Government’s agencies performance, budgeting, or improvement per FY. You can pull up a director’s bio and even check their current status during cabinet restructuring. There is a customer service station that features an agency’s responsiveness. There are also links to the District’s independent agencies such the National Guard or the office of the CIO. was one of formal mayor Adrian Fenty’s means of holding accountability with in the city government. It brings government transparency to one fingertip.